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HIV infection rate increase and testing in Australia

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HIV infection rate increase and testing in Australia

HIV infection rate in Australia is at its highest in 20 years with an increase of 10 percent according to the report released by Kirby Institute of New South Wales. The rapid increase of diagnosed HIV cases has turned it into an epidemic. Studies conducted by the institute found out that 1,253 new cases were added in 2012. The number is still going to rise given that there are still an estimated number of 10 to 25 percent of people infected with HIV who remain undiagnosed. Sexual contact among homosexual men is the main contributor to the rise of HIV...

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HIV Status Awareness Gets Easier With HIV Home Test Kits

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HIV Status Awareness Gets Easier With HIV Home Test Kits

You are now capable of testing HIV in your own house using Other Company. This test is fast; easy so that you do not have to wait for weeks for the result this, and is affordable also. There are so many HIV Test kits you can find for home testing, but Other Company is the first of all FDA licensed HIV home test kits. Other Company HIV test kit is not readily available for sale, and that means you are not able to buy from the counter. You can only buy it from major pharmaceutical retailers or online pharmacy. Other...

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HIV testing in Australia and how to tell if you have HIV.

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HIV testing in Australia and how to tell if you have HIV.

Many people grow concerned that they may have the HIV virus when experiencing typical flu symptoms or other symptoms they believe connected to HIV.  If that individual recalls a prior sexual encounter that involved unprotected sex and therefore put that individual at risk of HIV infection then this can be a cause of great concern and anxiety in relation to the medical symptoms they are experiencing. To resolve this anxiety and concern it is important to remember that there are no certain symptoms that would categorically identify the HIV virus.  Some individuals may in fact show no symptoms at all...

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The HIV situation in Australia is getting worse?

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The HIV situation in Australia is getting worse?

And remember, this is diagnosed cases, it does not calculate people who have HIV and do not know as it shows no set symptoms and can go undetected from many years. It also does not count those who know butt have not been medically diagnosed within Australia.       Wiki.     “On 19 October 2010, The Sydney Morning Herald reported that 21,171 Australians have HIV, with 1,050 new cases diagnosed in 2009. The Sydney Morning Herald also reported that 63% of Australians living with HIV were men.     On 17 October 2012, The Daily Telegraph reported that up to 35,000 Australians have HIV,...

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What about HIV testing in Australia? Should I get tested for HIV?

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What about HIV testing in Australia? Should I get tested for HIV?

Anyone in Australia of any age, race, sex or sexual orientation can be infected with HIV but you're at the greatest risk of catching HIV/AIDS if you have unprotected sex. Then, the single greatest indicator for HIV testing is if you have had unprotected sex with a partner who you are not certain is HIV negative. Do you know their sexual history? Do you know if they have been tested for HIV? Can you trust the information they give you in relation to their HIV status? As you can see if you have had unprotected sex there is a very compelling reason to...

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